Gnu image manipulation
Gnu image manipulation

While great in Linux, it can be a little slow and limited in Windows

gnu image manipulation

Good selection of plugins, open source, stability between versions If you're used to using Photoshop, the interface may seem a little unintuitive at first, but it doesn't take long to get the hang of it. For those who are put off by the default multi-window interface, which is really just an image window surrounded by several floating pallets, there is a 'Single Window' option under the "Windows" menu. Subsequent launches are quick and painless. The first launch also takes a very long time as the app locates system resources it needs. Just click Okay and you'll never have to worry about that pesky dialog ever again. You will then receive a warning dialog that it is an unrecognized application and asks you to confirm that you really want to open it. Because GIMP doesn't come form Apple's App Store, MacOS will resist launching it unless you click the icon while holding down the 'control' key. That finally changed with version 2.8, which runs natively under MacOSX. As a Mac user, I've always been a little frustrated by the fact that it always needed the X11 environment for life support.

gnu image manipulation

It's a capable, mature piece of free, open source software. As others have noted, there's little you can do with Photoshop that you can't do with GIMP. It's no secret that digital photography is an expensive hobby, so it's nice that some good things don't have to cost a lot. Somewhat less intuitive than Photoshop-at first

gnu image manipulation

Unbeatable price (free) Finally runs natively on MacOSX

Gnu image manipulation